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Procrastination Pen Pal Research Letter

Procrastination Pen Pal Research Letter

Research letters can help users organize potential sources into a consoldiated file and help them overcome procrastination or disorganization.

The Personalized Pen Pal product would be at least 800 words long, and would contain multiple links to help clients get started on their project of interest, along with a description of the links and their content.


Remember to specify the style of your letter - Overcoming Anxiety, Finding Your Focus, or Reaching for the Stars with New Skills - when you send us your email with the topic you'd like researched.


  • Terms of Service: Delivery will include a document with at least 800 words which includes links to multiple online sources to support the factual nature of the content.


  • The document will be tailored to individual requests and will arrive within 10 business days of the order date, to the client's email address.


  • Revision requests will be allowed, and a full refund is available if the customer is unsatisfied with the purchase.
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